Key Features
- Number of Channels: 2-LVDT + 2-PIEZO / 3-LVDT + 1 PIEZO / 4-LVDT / 2-PIEZO
- 5 Inch Colour Touch Screen Display
- Cp, Cpk, (Can be seen on Display of ongoing Measurements as per Subgroup size 10 by default)
- 16 GB Inbuilt data storage
- Data storage facility
- Number of result 16 and Number of Setup 100
- Inbuilt auto air cutter
Feature | Description |
Number of Channels | 2-LVDT + 2-PIEZO / 3-LVDT + 1 PIEZO / 4-LVDT / 2-PIEZO |
User Interface | 5 Inch Colour Touch Screen Display |
Hardware Keys | 12 (6 Function Keys + 6 Navigation Keys) |
Number of results | Up to 16 |
Number of Setups | 100 |
Number of Layouts | 4 |
Result Views | Dial, DRO, Run-Chart (With and without Solid background) |
Result Modes | Current, Minimum, Maximum, Average, Difference |
Dimension Types | Linear and Angle (Half, Full and Average Angle) |
Linear units | MM, Micron, INCH |
Angle units | DMS (Degree Minutes Seconds), Decimal Degree |
Linear Resolution | 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 Micron |
Angle Resolution | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Decimals |
Users | Quality Admin and Operator Login can be created. Max. 10 users limit. (Minimum access to Operator Login) |
Digital Outputs |
8 Digital Out Put Signals (Open Collector) Which can be Configured as, Tolerance Indicators (All OK, All Fail, All warning, Anyone OK, Anyone Fail), Measurement Cycle ON,
Measurement Cycle in Process, Dynamic Measurement Delay in process |
Digital Inputs |
4 Digital Inputs Which can be Configured as, DI for Data Transmission,
DI as External Trigger/Foot- Switch, Job Presence Sensor Input, Rejection Bin Sensor Input (in case of Reject Bin Poka-Yoke) |
FootSwitch | 1-FootSwitch Available |
Communication Ports | 2 Nos. RS232 (COM1, COM2), 1 Nos. RS485 (COM3), Ethernet, USB |
Formula Editor | Result formula can be edited for combinations of Channels and or other results |
Preset And Mastering | Step, Simultaneous (Group Mastering) |
Tolerance | Nominal, Lower Set Limit (LSL), Lower Control Limit (LCL), Upper Control Limit (UCL), Upper Set Limit (USL) |
Grading/Segregation | Up to 25 Grades/Divisions with 5-digit Alphanumeric Mark |
SPC | Cp, Cpk, (Can be seen on Display of ongoing Measurements as per Configurable Subgroup size from 2 to 25) |
Job Counters | Total Jobs, OK Jobs, NG Jobs. Given separate screen for result wise job counters display |
Measurement Delays |
Start-up Delay (0.1 to 9.9 Sec Stabilizing Time),
Dynamic Timer Delay (0.1 to 999.9 Sec Time for Actual Measurement after which Data will be Saved) |
Measurement Cycle | Auto Cycle (Auto Time Base) and Measurement Cycle (Trigger Based) |
Auto Air Cut-Off | Auto Air Saving Mode (Air will be in full consumption while measurement while out of Measurement consumption will be cut by
approx. 80 to 90%) |
Job serial number | Auto increment or Manual entry for every measurement (up to 24 digits alphanumeric) |
Auto Layout Switching | In case of Auto Measure Unit will View Automatically the Result Under Measurement on Screen Without any Trigger |
Additional Displays | 4 additional displays for all results (Configurable to NU, MAX, MIN, AVG, DIFF, Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk) |
Shortcuts on main screen | Given shortcuts for Setup, Clock Settings and Results. Need to long press for 2 seconds (Only in Quality Login) |
Serial Output String | On both COM ports we can send standard or FANUC Serial String (User Selectable) |
CSV Files | For every measurement unit sends csv file to server (SmartServer Utility) and also update day wise csv file |
Setup Files
Restore/Back up |
All Setup Files in Unit Can be Shared to USB Drive (Pen Drive) as
backup, or Setups from other Similar Unit can be Loaded/Restored to this Unit |
Force Mastering | Job counter based (on configured number of measurements unit will forcefully ask for Mastering) |
Reject Bin Poka-Yoke | If enabled then for rejected job next cycle will start only if rejected part is placed in rejection bin and its sensor output detected as DI to unit |
Result Correction | Result wise correction factor |
Csv view | HTML View for CSV files (can view the measured readings on unit itself without opening reports) |
DI/DO Extension |
Optional on Extra Charge (Contact Supplier/Manufacturer) DI/DO can be extended in case of BCD Auto Offset function or Grade/Segregation Output Configuration |
Low Air Pressure Indication | Optional on Extra Charge (Contact Supplier/Manufacturer) |
Scanner Interface | Optional on Extra Charge (Contact Supplier/Manufacturer) |
Fanuc Communication |
Optional on Extra Charge (Contact Supplier/Manufacturer) for Auto- Offset Function through Serial Communication (RS232) or through BCD Configuration (Extended DI/DO) |
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth | Optional on Extra Charge (Contact Supplier/Manufacturer) |
GSM for SMS facility | Optional on Extra Charge (Contact Supplier/Manufacturer) |